Monday, July 29, 2013

Why sometimes Soltitude is Important ...

Hello to all,
Today, i want to talk about SOLTITUDE..
Soltitude is a "a state or a situation of being alone".Now when we think about being alone, we feel kind of scared.Most of the time, when we are going through bad times, we feel insecure of being left out and alone..

Thats true, that nobody wants to be alone, but being alone is not bad everytime, because sometimes it proof to be boon..
Now you might be wondering ,how is it possible as nobody wants to be alone ..I will tell you for sure.

Sometimes , suppose you are facing a problem, it could be any emotional, financial ,etc.. At that time we feel
low and our mind doesnot feel calm.So we seek for advices from friends, family .If  advice given by them works, then its great !!! but if it doesnot work than only you can help yourself.
The question is HOW??
The solution is give yourself alone time.Relax yourself with sound sleep or music.
Most of the time , when i feel terrible, i like to wake up early in the morning ,watch sun rise.
I find that quite relaxing and doing meditation is also great.
I am not  kidding , it actually helps me.
Trust me you will also feel better.Now calmly think about the problem you are facing and all the situations , you are in .Think in different way, like if someone else has this problem , and that person asks you for advice, what advice you would have given him??
Analyse the problem.Search for a best possible solution.
Do think about  PROS and CONS of your final decision.
In this way , u can actually find the right solution to your problem, because you can recreate your energy and
you can definately end up making a right decision for yourself, because you can lie to world ,but cannot lie to yourself...

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