Monday, January 9, 2017

Five Lessons learned in 2016.

Today I am going to share what I have learned from life in 2016. So let's start it.

1. Spending  time with your elders is very important.

We all are busy in our work and in this schedule we often forget  to spend time with our parents and grandparents.
They actually need us because they are growing old. They need our love at that stage.We should spend as much time with them as we can .So this is what I learned.

2. Travel whenever you have time and if you don't have time then create it.

This year I have learned how important is to travel and see new places in this one life.
Travelling not only rejuvenate your soul but it gives you chance to recreate a new you. Its quintessential for your mind and body, especially when your work is mandane and dull.

3. Another important thing which I learned is If you are always available to people's disposal they will take you for granted.

Being good to others is nice thing but it doesn't mean that others take you for granted so always remember that don't give them too much importance. Let them deal with your absence. It is necessary sometimes only then they can realise your importance.

4. One more important thing which I learned is "Expect the unexpected and always be on your toes when it comes to IT industry".

This year I have seen something which I haven't seen in my career of 5 years. I saw people being fired from the jobs in my firm and I was quite shocked . But I learned from this thing is life is unpredictable so don't waste money and use it effectively .

5. I have learned that if you can't give 100% effort to particular thing don't expect miracles to happen to you.

Basically I just want to say sometimes we want something so desperately but we don't want to put that much effort to it .That kind of attitude will not help us reach anywhere near to our goal . Hence we have to do extra efforts to make things done.

So this is what I learned from 2016 and I am hoping best things in 2017.

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